The position of my books on Amazon's Best Seller lists fluctuates throughout each day. Still, it's a good way to gauge how I'm doing with readers. There have been times when I haven't been on the list at all (it's only the top 100), but lately I've been doing fairly well! Over the past couple of months I've been #25 or better in children's fantasy. Then, last night I noticed that "The Threshold Child" was #8 on that list! I should mention that the first 7 books on that list were Harry Potter. That means that right now (because I've maintained that position) the only books selling better than mine on Amazon's Kindle is Harry Potter! I'm really excited about this, and I wanted to share. I never imagined that my books would do so well. My husband only convinced me to publish through KDP because he said that I had nothing to lose. The worst that could happen was that no one would buy it. I figured he was right, but I thought I would probably only sell a thousand copies before interest faded to nothing. There have been more than 10 times that number in downloads for "The Threshold Child" alone, and I am so amazed and grateful for the support of so many wonderful readers. Thank you all for making my dream of being a writer possible!
Here is a screen shot from Amazon: