Saturday, September 22, 2012

Buy My Book!

My senior year of high school I started writing a book. I dabbled with it here and there over the next few years until it was finished, and then it was filed away. This last year I decided to dust it off and post it on Amazon for purchase. Why not? I wasn't doing anything else with it.

Although, I must admit that the idea of releasing my long-nurtured book into an uncaring world makes me nervous. I have worked hard on this project, and I really hope for a positive reception. I know that there will always be critics who don't approve, no matter the work. But my husband promised to shield me from the more severe reviews. :)

As of this morning, dear readers, my book is now available! Please read it and tell me what you think! Any questions or comments can be sent to my blog email address:


  1. I remember you telling me about this so long ago, and then sending me some of the chapters here and there while I was on my mission. Well done, Callie! I admire your talent and I am so glad you are sharing it with the world.

  2. I just read ur book-I hope another one is in the works!!!!!!!!!

  3. Loved it. Hope you write a sequel.

  4. Just finished it!! Please tell me you are working on the next one. There is still so much to tell!
