Sunday, September 14, 2014


I keep seeing comments made in the reviews posted on Amazon about errors (spelling and otherwise) in my books. I thought I'd take a quick moment to address that. 

While my books are self-published, I do pay to have them edited (by actual professionals, not some random family member). That being said, mistakes can easily be overlooked--even when reviewed by editors hired by publishing companies. I'm sure we've all read books that had a word wrong. I've even read a book where the wrong character name was used.

The point is that I don't doubt that errors have been overlooked in my book, even though I've had them edited. Furthermore, it is within my ability to correct any mistakes that have been made. So, I would be greatly appreciative if my readers would take the time to send me a quick email ( if they come across any such errors. I would be happy to make the corrections and upload a newer version of my book to Amazon.

You don't need to give me page numbers or anything like that. Just say, "When such-and-such was happening I noticed this mistake." I'm sure I can find it. If you can be more detailed than that, that's good, too.

I know it's not your job to correct my spelling and grammar, but it would help to improve the reading experience of future owners of my book. Plus, I'd be really grateful.


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