Monday, September 5, 2011

Halloween Planning

Halloween is a very important holiday in my family. We take our costumes and festivities very seriously. I had been counting on a costume idea that didn't quite pan out last year, in the hopes that this would finally be the year that it was realized. My mom (the resident seamstress of our family) gave me the sad news today that it would not be happening. Now that leaves me with the task of finding an awesome costume idea fast! Costume planning should be done by now, and production should be starting. I only have two months! I don't want to use the old fall-back again this year (my costume last year was a repeat, much to my chagrin). In fact, I feel I need an extra awesome costume to make up for my lack of creativity last year! I need something as awesome as when my best friend dressed up as Madame Heap from Fraggle Rock. (Truly awesome. You have no idea.) Any suggestions would be welcome! Let the costume dash begin...

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