Thursday, September 1, 2011

Heart List: Scrabble

Scrabble is one of my very favorite games! There was always a high amount of competition when I played as a youth, because all of my family members are very well-read. I have many fond memories of playing with my older sister (who was my college roommate for a year), and making up words to fit the letters on our trays. Words such as: cabutvj (which is a shout of victory, obviously) and fasmorg (which is hard to's a bit...ethereal). Ah, good times. It was actually a game of Scrabble that set my husband apart from all the other boys I had dated. I had prided myself on my Scrabble skills, and he totally creamed me! He claims that's the only reason I continued dating him. (Not true, by the way!) Anyway, I love this game, and I look forward to many more years of good memories playing it.

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