Saturday, August 17, 2013

Heart List: Shrimp Chips

For those of you who don't already know (or haven't deduced it based on my last name), I am half-Japanese. My dad was born and raised in America, but he retained enough of his parents' and grandparents' culture to pass on an interesting mix of food preferences to us, his children. So, when my husband introduced me to these little gems, I was all onboard! Many people would look at them and pause with apprehension, but I assure you that they are delicious! I could probably eat an entire bag by myself in a single sitting. They are light and well-balanced in flavor, and they leave you with a lovely fishy breath that will deter any unwanted kisses! Hahaha! (If you DO want kisses, you will need to grab a mint...or offer shrimp chips to the person you want to kiss.)

If you are feeling adventurous (and if you like seafood flavored things), I suggest you give these a try! I usually buy mine at a somewhat-local Asian market, but I've seen them at the regular grocery store as well (just for a higher cost). Buy them, eat them! And if you don't like them, send the rest of the bag to me.  :)

1 comment:

  1. People really don't understand what they're missing out on. Love these!
