Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Gratitude: Part 6

I am thankful for clean, running water. I was thinking about how difficult it would be to live without, and I am so glad to live in modern America! I know that many people do just fine without it, but I thoroughly enjoy having it around.

I am grateful for modern medicine. My husband has multiple sclerosis, and it is such a comfort to me to know that new advances are being made every day (not just for MS, but for all afflictions). Currently, there is no cure for MS, but there are medicines that will help him to lead a normal life for many years to come. I am grateful that we can look forward to many healthy years together thanks to the hard work of doctors and scientists.

I am blessed to have good health. Sure, I get the occasional cold, but all in all I have very good health. I don't even have allergies! I am so thankful that I have a strong body, so I am able to work and play and enjoy the world around me.

I am thankful for the trials I have had in life. I certainly don't enjoy going through them, but they have made me who I am today. I wouldn't change anything in my life, because all of it has led to where I am right now (and I wouldn't change lives with anyone). Every hardship has the potential to make us stronger, kinder, wiser, and better in every way. I haven't always taken advantage of the lessons of life, but I hope that I do in the future.

I am grateful for my Grandpa. I lived with him for a couple of years, and we have been very close ever since. He is funny and hard-working and practical and selfless. I have never met anyone who has more physical trials in life (he's had everything from polio to having his hand run over by a train), but he never complains. I have been so lucky to get to know him as an adult, and I will always cherish the relationship we have.

I am thankful for my in-laws. Not everyone can say that with honesty, but I can. They welcomed me into their family with open arms, and they continue to be such a loving support to me and my husband. I couldn't have asked for a better family, and it has been such a blessing in my life.

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